EziVend - Videostore and Dispenser Management Software
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Ezivend Features

Ezivend Product Image
The final piece of the puzzle is in place. A Windows based video store management package that's easy to use, yet powerful in its functionality that will make management of your dispenser seem like child's play. The advanced dispenser user interface will make it easier for your customers to utilise the dispenser. The EziVend system is the result of years of experience in the rental and sale of video movies and other merchandise.

EziVend is specifically tailored for the Australian market and can manage an unlimited number of shops and/or automatic dispensers. EziVend is the first Australian developed and supported software available for Multifunctional Video and Merchandise Dispensers and is the only video store management software that has direct built-in support for automatic multifunctional dispensers as standard and was built from the ground up with the purpose of Dispenser Management in mind.


Key Features
  • Fully configurable by the user
  • Can utilise magnetic card readers to read and write membership cards for renting/returning of videos
  • Supports barcode readers
  • Full Video store management with Shop option
  • Optional internet browsing/reservation function (via dispenser)
  • Optional reservation notification via SMS messaging(via dispenser)
  • Optional SMS messaging feature to advise customers of overdue movies and for general marketing
  • Multi-level security with user logon to protect confidential information
Ezivend Options Screen

Ezivend Customers Screen Customers
  • Complete customer data kept on file
  • Search for customers by most of the fields stored
  • Customer data quickly and easily entered and edited
  • Ability to access customer card information from customer screen or from dedicated card screen
  • View statistics like date last rented, total number and value rented as well detailed transactions for rental and pre-paid recharges for each customer
  • Any customer Credit Card details held in the system are encrypted in the database and can only be viewed from within EziVend so sensitivecustomer data is extremely secure

  • Up to 10 concurrently active rental transaction screens per computer allowed
  • All options are available at the click of the mouse and all relevant data is easily accessible
  • Rentals screen provides all important information about the customer like existing rentals, outstanding amounts and other details
  • All transactions performed from the one screen - pay overdues, enter new rentals, sale items and provides one total amount to pay
  • Pay for sales and rentals by pre-paid membership card or by cash or other means or a combination of both.
Ezivend Instore Rentals Screen

Ezivend Titles Screen
Ezivend Stock Screen
Titles & Stock
  • Titles and tape stocks are kept in separate tables for more efficient database management
  • In addition an external database may be accessed for unlimited title search and import
  • Stock items can be flagged for rental or for sale
  • Title cover/back images displayed on title display screen
  • Record name of preview (trailer) file for showing at a dispenser
  • Interface with scanner to scan and save cover images
  • Support sale of shop products
  • Censorship ratings exclude MINORS from access to restricted titles according to age
  • Record a sale price for the product usable for selling of the product under normal circumstances or case a credit card customer doesn?t return the item, this price will be used as the sale price
  • Status of the product is maintained like Available, Sold, Lost, Being Repaired
  • Advanced rental pricing matrix allows pricing of rentals down to an hourly basis according to customer/product group combination. Surcharges may even be applied to certain hours of the day
  • Coupon Management allow to create, edit or delete coupon codes for specials and promotions specific for each managed dispenser. Codes have powerfull atributes defined that control when they are active, who can use them and for what products they are valid

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